Students, The Tasseltime Notification App is new. We want some testimonials from students who have been using the app, so we have created an opportunity for you to win a cash award in our random drawing. Submit a testimonial by December 13, 2019, to be entered into the cash award drawing. There will be 5- $25 cash awards. Your testimonial… Read more »
5. Begin thinking about who you want to ask to write recommendation letters or letters of reference. You want to ask a teacher who knows your capabilities and can recommend you based on your academic performance (athletic and fine arts performance as it applies to you). No offense, your best friend’s mom or the local preacher may be able to testify… Read more »
3. If you have the opportunity to take an ACT/SAT preparation course provided by your school—TAKE IT!!! If you do not have the opportunity, then go to the ACT/SAT pages in the site and you will find TEST Prep Help. I recommend March2Success, and Khan Academy for free test prep.
2. Make sure you have registered for the ACT/SAT. Check the regular and late deadlines. Visit the ACT/SAT pages in Tasseltime to get dates, registration information, and test prep information.
1. Try to narrow your college choices to three, five at the most. If you did not get a college information or catalog book from them in the spring in either your spring visit or spring college fair, e-mail the college and request that one be sent to you. This is very important!!! You want to make sure you do… Read more »